Unfurl/ Sensing bodies
Unfurl/sensing bodies is a web journey and a contemplation on what it means to be a sensate body. Ultimately the web interface is a window into coming across and bumping up against and the alchemy and transformation that occurs when entities and bodies meet. The journey tracks one body meandering - a body as an onlooker of the world and as a participant in the world potentially inviting reflection on one's own relationality. Multiple sources are referenced, mirroring the constant flow of information from the internet and from simply being alive. The innate desire to make meaning and form, to make artwork are shown in threads of continuum and evolution. New patterns emerge in relation to content influenced by the art medium and the contribution of AI. These patterns are also a reflection of actual occurrences in the environment.
This web interface is an entry into process. Gallery presentation here: Eidolons
This web interface is an entry into process. Gallery presentation here: Eidolons
*Unfurl/sensing bodies developed out of Blossoming Pixels, a four artist and AI collaboration that probed into what kind of emergent forms arise while collaborating with AI in springtime. Each artist, Amber Downie-Backe, Melissa Flagg, Evan Locke and myself responded to the theme of spring while working with AI and considering AI as a collaborator. Three individual branches sprung out of this collaboration. This is one of them.
To learn more about Blossoming Pixels and the project go here.
To learn more about Blossoming Pixels and the project go here.